my goodness this baby, and color, is stunning – it’s like these two were meant to go together.
she was such a doll; and look at those chubby rolls. ugh, I can’t handle it.
I did her fresh 48 session right after she was born, and it’s so crazy to me how quick a baby changes. like, they look totally different from their fresh 48, to their newborn session. the swollen face thins out, their red/purple skin tones start to even out, they get some flaky skin – maybe some baby acne. I promise, you’ll miss every single bit of it all.
so many times I hear clients asking to edit out the flaky skin – no way jose. because a month from now you’re going to look back on those pictures of their fresh little toes, skin peeling, and you’re going to miss it. the whole newborn phase goes way too fast – it’s really not fair. by the time you get the hang of it and start soaking up all those snuggles, they’re a month old.
on another note, I’m working on a project – and I want to know, what’s important to you when you’re looking for a fresh 48/newborn photographer? shoot me a message. I want to know from a non-photographer perspective what matters the most to you.

If you’re searching for a photographer within the Phoenix area, please contact me to schedule your session today. All newborn sessions take place at my in-home studio located in North Phoenix. I have a variety of props, all of which are available to use in your session.