Scottsdale Newborn Photographer | Emmett
oh my gosh – this little boy gets me every time.Emmett first came in for his newborn session, then came back for his six month session – how stinkin’ adorable is he?!Can we take a minute to admire that dimple in his chin?! I’m a sucker for a chin dimple, both of my boys have them and I just can’t deal. Like at all.But, Emmett is literally the most laid back little guy – he is always so chill; I’ll re-evaluate after his cake smash though; most babies tend to lose their mind once they hit one and you want them to cooperate in front of a total stranger, lol.In the meantime, I’ll soak up all the lovin’s from Emmett while I can. Literally the hardest part of this job is watching these sweet babies grow – like it’s almost as hard as watching my own kids grow.